Which solution is best for me?

If you are a publisher with direct sales activities, our ID-less behavioral solution Euclid is the solution for you.If you are an ad provider (SSP/DSP) looking to extend the addressability of your inventory, our ID-less demographic solution Euclid Lite is the solution for you.

What is on-device?

On-device computing (or edge computing) refers to bringing the computation of data and its storage closer to where the data is being generated, or to the device itself. For example, in the case of smartphones, instead of sending raw sensor data to the cloud, all of the processing and computation happens entirely on the device, […]

How do I get a demo app?

If you’re an existing NumberEight partner, you can request the demo app here. If you’re new to NumberEight, book a demo with our team.

What is the scale of your ID-less behavioral solution?

The cohorts scale depends on the number of active users and the frequency of their engagement with the publisher throughout the day. Live moments signals will operate at 100% scale from day 1 of the SDK going live whereas behavioral cohorts will begin to start showing up after a few days of app usage.